Are vision boards really the key to helping us achieve our biggest desires? Keep reading to learn how vision boards play a vital role in helping us get what we want most in our lives.
Dreams, goals, hopes, aspirations. No matter what we call them we all have them. We all have something that calls to us. Something that lights us up and sets our hearts on fire.
We all have desires that we wish to achieve in our lives. And having these dreams and goals is wonderful, necessary even. But clearly defining those goals is even better. It doesn’t have to be perfect, but having an idea of what direction you want your life to go in is huge. Taking the time to ask yourself what do you want most? What do you want your life to look like a year from now? 5 years from now?
Setting this groundwork makes it so much easier to see what you want and to begin formulating a plan on how you’ll get there. And guess what my friends, vision boards are the perfect next step.
I read a statistic that 80% of the population do not set any goals. I’m sure they have vague dreams and desires. We all do, but this suggests that 80% of people aren’t getting clear on exactly what they want and therefore no plan in place for how they will get there.
But this isn’t you my friend. No not this year. This year you are going to get clear on your intentions, write down your desires and begin setting the plan in motion in order to achieve all of it.
Enter…vision boards!
How do Vision Boards Work?

You might be asking yourself how do these things even work and are they really worth all the hype?
In this post I’ll answer all of these questions and more. So with that, let’s dive right in!
Vision boards serve as daily reminders (through out the entire day) that your goals are sitting there waiting to be achieved. Seeing them everyday helps them stay up front and center so you can keep them top of mind and stay motivated. They help you prioritize what you value to be most important. And since 65% of us already consider ourselves visual learners, vision boards act as the perfect tool to help get us serious and keep us clear on what we want our futures to look like.
Envisioning your goals daily helps you tap into your subconscious mind and begin setting a clear path to your dreams and desires. They help bring awareness to what you perceive as being most important and help with future decision making in order for you to accomplish what it is you want most.
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Is there a Right Way to Craft a Vision Board?
The fun part really is finding all of the images and quotes that you want to use to begin crafting your vision board. But if you aren’t clear on dreams and goals, you are going to end up wasting a lot of time on Google and Pinterest and not have much to show for it at the end.
You really need to do the hard work up front before you begin image hunting. This may take some time and that’s completely fine. But really start thinking about what it is you want. What do you want to begin working towards? Is it your dream house? Dream job? Be as specific as possible.
Get clear on what you want first and then begin finding the visuals that best represent the goal.
And remember, the wonderful thing about vision boards is that they are truly yours. They are your unique goals, dreams and aspirations. Letting your personality shine through in your vision board is so important. You want to feel a deep connection, not just to the images individually, but to the design as well. You want the full picture to light you up, spark something inside of you. So much so that every time you look at it you smile to yourself, knowing each day you are one step closer to living your dream life.
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How to Make a Vision Board
Once you’ve gotten clear on your goals, you are then ready for the fun part. Find the images and putting it together!
For me personally, I like making mine in Canva. After I’ve found the images, quotes or phrases that really stand out to me, I begin putting the collage together in a document. I know many people prefer to cut and paste their vision boards together and this is totally fine. Whatever works best for you. How you put it all together is really your own personal preference.
My biggest reason for creating it in Canva is so I can print out multiple versions. I put then all over the house in places where I know I’m most often going to see them. I even print them out in different sizes too. Smaller ones I like to put in my purse or in the bathroom drawer, larger ones I keep in my closet or next to my bed. But how you create yours is completely up to you and what you prefer.
How Often do I Need to Refer Back to My Vision Board?

In all honesty, as often as possible. The more you look at it the more you are reminded of why you created it in the first place. You didn’t take the time to hand select each image and carefully design it ever so delicately and deliberately just to look at it once and forget about it.
No, you created it because what you put on that board means something to you. It means something to you so deeply that it speaks to your soul.
If it’s worth dreaming then it’s worth achieving. So it deserves as much of your attention as you can give to it. These daily reminders are the key to your vision board one day becoming your reality.
So it’s important to interact with your board each and everyday. Make it the first thing you see when you wake up and the last thing you see before bed.
I have one in my bedroom, the bathroom and next to me while I’m working. There’s no such thing as looking at it too much. The more the better in this case. You want these images and words you use to describe your goals to really sink into your subconscious.
The deeper your brain connects with it, the more neural pathways are created making it easier for you to make decisions that align with these goals and intentions.
What Makes the Perfect Vision Board?

The most important part of any vision board is finding the most perfect images, words and quotes that really resonate with you. You need to feel something when you look at it. That’s how vision boards start to seep into our unconscious minds. If the photos are generic and don’t evoke any kind of emotional response, you aren’t going to connect with it in the same way.
Now this does mean that it can take a bit of time to find the perfect visuals, but that’s ok. Let it take the time it needs. Emotion is huge when it comes to vision boards. If the image isn’t doing it for you, then it’s not the right image. Don’t put it on there just to fill the space. Make it mean something.
To Summarize
Vision boards are a great way to get creative and have some fun with goal planning. Creating them is also a great tool to help get to know yourself better and have a better understanding of what it is you’re working towards.
Remember to let your personality show throw. Don’t feel like it needs to look like someone else’s. Your goals are YOUR goals.
And the way you set up your vision board is going to look different than how I would set up mine.
It truly is about feeling a connection with the collage. Not just making something that’s pretty to look at, but is also INSPIRING to you.
Make this year count in a big way and begin getting serious and honing in on what is you are wanting out of this year. Ask yourself questions like what has held you back in the past? What are you ready to go after?
Make this year YOUR year. Get started by creating a vision board that gets you clear on your intentions, dreams and goals.
So bust out those scissors, break out the glue and get going! Today is the day.

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