It’s that time of year again. The days are getting shorter, the nights longer and there’s that slight nip in the air reminding us all that winter is just around the corner. And although winter can be a beautiful time of year, it can also open the door to coughs, colds, sniffles and sneezes. That’s why it is so important to create a healthy winter wellness routine to help keep your body and immune system strong. This winter lets extend a hand (sanitized of course!) to those who warm our hearts and keep the bugs and bacteria at bay.
Immune Boosting Teas
We’ve heard it a million times. Stay hydrated. Stay hydrated. Stay hydrated! But have you ever thought about why this is so important to help prevent illness? What is it about drinking water that actually helps our bodies fight infection? Getting plenty of water each day allows our kidneys to properly release toxins and help keeps the mucous membranes in our nose and mouth moist so they can better repel germs and bacteria when we cough, sneeze and breathe.
Now I am not saying that drinking water every day will be the holy grail to preventing you from ever getting sick. But I can say that being dehydrated will make you far more susceptible and force your body to work overtime to fight off infection.
If the sound of drinking more water doesn’t quite appeal to you don’t worry. I got you covered! One of my favorite things about winter are all the deliciously soothing beverages that come along with it. Here are some of my favorite immune boosting beverages to start incorporating into your day.
- White Tea
- Lemon Tea (lemons are packed with vitamin c!)
- Green tea
Honey can also be a soothing addition to your winter wellness beverages. Add some to your tea to help your body better fight off bad bacteria. If you’re feeling a cold coming on, honey can also help alleviate coughs and sore throats.
Staying Active
Hey I get it. It’s freezing outside, the wind is blowing. Heck there might even be snow on the ground! But it’s so important to make sure your exercise routine doesn’t suffer just because there’s a little extra chill in the air. Find alternative solutions like working out at home. I love getting up extra early, lighting a few candles and getting sweaty with a quick Pilates workout. Or if I’m in the mood for something a little more relaxing, a 20 minute yoga session usually does the trick. But you can also use this time to start new winter routines. If you enjoy running don’t let the weather stop you. Pop on some gloves and a hat and go out for a quick 10 minute run. You’ll instantly feel rejuvenated and super awake. And just think about how good that hot shower will feel after.
Get Plenty of Rest
I always find myself getting so sleepy so much earlier in the day in the winter time. Don’t fight it. Start going to bed earlier. When our bodies are running low on energy, our immune systems begin to weaken. Stay strong and energized this winter by getting a full night’s rest so you’ll be better equipped to take on tomorrow.
Take a Detox Bath
Your skin naturally detoxifies itself through sweating, but you can also take it one step further by taking a detoxifying sea salt bath. Add a 1/4 cup of sea salt to a comfortably hot bathtub and soak for about 20 minutes (or longer if you have the time). Not only is this great for irritated skin, but it helps ease achy joints and helps with overall relaxation for your entire body. Try it at night before bed to really feel the full benefits.
Don’t forget to moisturize after your bath/shower. Especially after a detox bath. The wintery cold air dries out our skin so fast leaving it feeling rough, itchy and painful. If serious enough it can also make us more susceptible to infection. Make sure to moisturize your hands, arms, legs, feet and neck with a good moisturizer. I love this body moisturizer from cocokind. They also make a great face moisturizer too!
Sanitize Door Handles
We touch so many different surfaces throughout the day. It’s inevitable that germs and bacteria will find their way onto our hands and ultimately our doorknobs. Most germs can live on a surface like a doorknob for 24 hours! Think about how many times you touch those handles and then wind up touching your face. An easy solution is to make sure those surfaces are cleaned and sanitized. Do this twice a week to help prevent unwanted outsiders from making their way into your home and body.
Get Some Sun…When you Can
Vitamin D is just as important in the winter as it is in the summer. But cold, cloudy days can make this a little more challenging. When the sun does finally make an appearance take a break and go for a walk. Soak up some rays and breathe in the cool, chilly air. This is a great way to feel more relaxed and awake. I love taking walks in the winter to the coffee shop in my neighborhood. It’s an excuse to get outside and get some exercise. Then I get to enjoy a hot cup’o’joe for the walk back. Just don’t forget the sunscreen. Yes sunscreen is a must even in the winter!
Relieve Stress
The holidays are a wonderful time of year, but it does come with a lot of added pressure. Finding stress relievers are so important to help keep us healthy and well during the winter months. Listen to what your body needs and find what works best for you. If you need some help here are some great ideas:
When feeling stressed or overwhlemed imagine yourself in a place that makes you feel safe, calm and relaxed. Stay here for a while until you feel the tension begin to loosen.
Taking a few minutes for yourself will always help you find clarity and stillness when you need it most. Try a quick meditation practice to help you let go of the situation causing you discomfort.
You can learn more about meditation here.
Body Scan
This is great to do right before bed and is a wonderful way to help you be mindful of where you are holding stress and tension in the body so you can better focus on that area to release it. To start, lay flat on your back in bed. Begin tensing up your entire body. Now begin to slowly release and relax your muscles starting with your toes, your feet, your legs and working your way up the body until you are now fully relaxed.
I find this to be a wonderful way to help calm racing thoughts before bed. Try it tonight and see how you feel.
Yoga is a wonderful way to help release mental and physical tension from the body. When we get stressed our bodies tend to tighten, sometimes without us even being aware that it’s happening. Yoga helps loosen and relax the muscles and release that negative energy that’s been built up.
Don’t feel like you need to dedicate a lot of time to this. Especially if you’re not really a yoga kind of person. A quick 10 minutes is all you need to feel the benefits.
I hope you find these winter wellness techniques helpful so you can enjoy a healthy, flu-free holiday season. Wishing you all health and happiness.

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