The holidays have come and gone and now comes the hard part-getting through these long, chilly winter months. I know for many of us out there winter is the season we completely dread. It’s cold, the trees are bear and I don’t know a single person who actually enjoys chipping the ice off their car. But it’s here. We can’t change that. So why not embrace it? We need to make the most out of everything we are given. So if you’ve go a case of the winter blues this season, well I just might have the cure.
Self Improvement Winter Blues Ideas
1. Read a Good Book
One of my absolute favorite book series are the All Creatures Great and Small series written by James Herriot. I love his writing style and the funny way he looks at the world. To me these books are the perfect way to forget all about what’s going on outside. I highly recommend them, especially on a cold, winter evening. But if you have a long time favorite that you haven’t read in a while or a new one you’ve dying to try, grab a cup of tea and enjoy.
2. Find a New Hobby
If you’ve been feeling bored lately maybe it’s time to try out a new hobby. Trying out different kinds of hobbies is a great way to find out what kinds of things you enjoy doing. Hobbies are also super important for our mental health. They allow us to express ourselves in a more creative way and allow us to spend our free time doing something more productive than just scrolling on our phones. Bonus-They can also be a great way to relieve stress.
If you currently don’t have any hobbies or are in the mood to try out a new one you can check out this post for some ideas and a deeper understanding of why they are so important for mental wellness.
3. Embrace the Cold-(With the Right Clothes)
I know it’s cold out there, but it’s still important for us to get outside and get some fresh air and any bit of sunshine we can. I use to be a hardcore winter hater. Going outside just felt like stepping into a freezer and I hated it! Until I realized that I wasn’t wearing the right clothes. I was wearing the exact opposite actually. Jeans, a sweater and a big, bulky winter coat just weren’t cutting it.
That’s when I started to realize how important layers and wind resistant clothing that can be. It’s completely changed everything for me. I no longer need to wait for spring to enjoy my walks to the coffee shop. Now I can head out in confidence knowing I have the right clothes to keep me warm so I can enjoy my coffee comfortably.
4. Breakout the Board Games
Winter is the perfect time to gather around and break out those old board games that have been sitting in your closet. It’s also a fun way to connect with others and it helps get us away from tvs and phones for a bit.
5. Get Artsy
I’ve noticed that being inside more makes me a little antsy. So finding new things to keep me busy is super important. Lately I’ve been into coloring and I recently got myself a watercolor kit. Not only is it so much fun to create something new, but it’s also a very relaxing way to de-stress and take my mind away from the day for a bit. I love doing this in the evening to help me unwind and get ready for bed.
6. Get to Work on those Goals
Now is a great time to start thinking about what you want out of this new year. What is it you want to achieve? Begin by simply just making a list of the goals you want to go after. If you feel like taking it one step further, try making a vision board. They are a great way to always keep your goals top of mind and to help keep you motivated.
Self Care Winter Blues Ideas
7. Get Extra Cozy
After a long day there is nothing I crave more than coming home, throwing on my comfiest pjs and fluffiest slippers, curling up with some hot chocolate and enjoying a snowy evening.
8. Stick to Your Routines
I feel way more tired in the winter than I do in the summer. It can be so tempting to hit that snooze button and stay under the covers a little while longer. But I know if I do this I won’t feel like doing my daily yoga or meditation practice.
A choice has to be made. Do I catch another 30 minutes of sleep, or do I get up and live the day to its fullest? I think you probably already know which one I’d prefer. That’s why it’s so important to stick to routines. Don’t let the winter blues ruin all the positive progress you’ve made so far. Get up early and make today the best day ever!
9. Enjoy a Snowy Movie Night In
I can think of few things better than snuggling under the covers on a snowy evening to watch a great winter movie. Not sure what to watch? Here are some of my favorite movies to chase away those winter blues.
- The Holiday
- Sleepless in Seattle
- Bridget Jones Diary
- You’ve Got Mail
10. Make Your Favorite Warm Winter Foods
What’s one of my favorite things about winter? The delicious food! There’s nothing better than a hot cup of soup on a cold, snowy day. Think hearty vegetables, chili and stews!
11. Get Out of Town
Even if you can’t escape the freezing cold completely, getting out of town for a bit can be a great way to recharge. You can find some really cute Airbnb’s outside of town that can offer that perfect place to reset and go off grid for a bit.
We love finding new places to go hiking and winter hikes can be so incredibly beautiful. Also it helps if your Airbnb is equipped with a fireplace, hot tub or both! If that isn’t motivation for completing a long, chilly hike, well then I just don’t know what is.

Moonbeam Bungalow Airbnb in Horse Shoe, NC
12. Plan a Cozy Date Night In
Going out can be fun, but staying in can be so much better! No need to worry about being seated next to a loud, fussy kid, or not being able to hear each other over the obnoxiously loud music. My favorite way to enjoy a date night in is to light some candles, play some soft music, get a little dressed up and order from our favorite restaurant. It’s so much cozier and you still get to enjoy the food without the hassle.
13. Bring some Greenery into Your Home

The winter time can feel so empty and bare. The trees are leaf-less, the air is cold and everything is covered in a dark and dreary haze. But a great solution is adding some greenery to your home. Plants have a wonderful way of picking us up and lifting our moods. They also help clean and purify the air inside our homes. Which is great since we aren’t getting outside as much this time of year. I also love taking care of them and watching them grow over time. If the weather has you feeling down you might just need to get yourself a new plant friend.
14. Enjoy a Hot Beverage and Watch it Snow
What’s another one of my favorite things about the winter? The warm, cozy beverages that come with it!
I love a good ole fashioned cup of hot chocolate complete with those delicious mini marshmallows floating on top. Makes me feel like a kid again.
For those times when I’m craving something hot, but also more on the healthier side, I love to reach for a cup of hot tea. Some cozy ones to sip on are Cinnamon Spice or Chamomile.
If you’re looking for some more hot beverage ideas you also can’t wrong with a honey, cinnamon latte or my new personal obsession, Chai Tea Latte.
15. Light Some Candles
It may be dark and dreary outside, but inside it’s all about that soft, warm, cozy glow. Never underestimate the power of mood lighting and a perfectly placed candle can create just that. I feel so at ease and relaxed any time I have one lit.
I also recently bought one of those candles where it makes a crackling sound while it burns. And I’m absolutely loving it! Now don’t get me wrong, in no way does it replace that beautiful crackle and pop of a fireplace, but it’s definitely the next best thing.
I hope these ideas help cure your winter blues this year and help you start looking at the winter season a little differently. Life won’t always be perfect, but making the most out of it is what counts. Enjoy the rest of this winter season and remember it won’t last forever.
How do you lift yourself up during the cold months? Comment below and let me know! I’m always looking for new mood boosting winter activities.

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