Living a more positive, happier lifestyle doesn’t just happen overnight. It’s a choice. A dedicated mindful practice that with time will eventually become your state of mind.
If practiced daily you will begin implementing these practices without a second thought. Overtime it will become second nature. Positive energy will be attracted to you like a magnet. You will be able to cultivate this beautiful energy throughout your entire day, everywhere you go.
Surround Yourself With Other Positive People
The energy of those we surround ourselves with greatly impacts our own energy levels. When people are excited and optimistic we feel this energy and it rubs off on us. When they are upset, negative and angry this can effect our own energy levels leaving us feeling drained and depleted. Try spending more time with friends and family who inspire and excite you. And limit time spent with those who don’t.
There are some situations where you simply cannot just avoid those negative naysayers. In these moments try to consciously realize that these kinds of people have no impact on your happiness. They do not have the power to take away your light. Being more mindful of these moments can help them avoid depleting all the wonderful, positive energy you have cultivated.
Practicing gratitude is an amazing way to consistently bring more positive vibes into your life and help you live life to the fullest.
When you tell the Universe how grateful you are for what you have and what is still on its way to you, the Universe in turn rewards you with even more wonderful gifts to be grateful for.
Say No To News
Now obviously I am not saying you can’t keep up with current events from time to time, or even throughout your day, but just be mindful of when you are checking in on these updates.
Avoid your phone for the first hour after waking up. No checking emails, no checking social media, no checking the latest news updates.
Start your morning in the most positive way. You want to fill your mind with positive thoughts first thing in the morning and checking the news is a sure way to have the exact opposite effect.
Avoiding negative news first thing in the morning and using this time to absorb uplifting information instead will instantly give you a positivity boost that you can carry throughout your day. And when bad news does pop up you will be in a much better place mentally to handle whatever comes your way.
Keep in mind the same idea applies right before bed. Don’t fill your head with negativity right before drifting off to sleep. Instead do some reading or listen to a motivational podcast or anything else that brings you joy. Focusing on positive activities the last hour before bed is crucial to creating a beautiful morning.
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Go To Bed Earlier
Getting plenty of sleep is another way to live a more positive lifestyle. Think about it, it’s hard to be upbeat, positive and happy when you are running on fumes. Your body and mind need to be well rested so you can take on the day. Try going to bed an hour earlier. Trust me, in the morning you will be so grateful you did!
Morning/Evening Mantras
And on that note, try practicing morning and evening mantras right before bed and as soon as you wake up. This is when our subconscious minds are most susceptible to the information we fill it with, absorbing it like a sponge. Focusing on positive/motivational thoughts is a wonderful way to set the tone for the rest of your day.
Here are some of my favorites:
“I have all I need to make today a beautiful day.”
“I have the power to make tomorrow a great day.”
“I already have what I desire. Abundance is my eternal nature. I am complete.”
“I am worthy of the best things in life.”
“Today I have a new opportunity to become a happier version of myself.”
I hope these tips help you to cultivate the happy, positive lifestyle that you deserve. Remember that you are in control of your own happiness and practicing these simple mindful practices daily will help you get one step closer to living the life you truly want.
Sending positive vibes your way.
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