Well it’s that time again. The weekend is finally here! And all you want to do is lounge around, relax and enjoy the day. But that to-do list is still a mile and a half long and you have a ton of things that still need to get done before the weekend is over.
So the question becomes, can I really be productive while enjoying a lazy day off at the same time? And luckily my friends, the answer is a huge YES!
Way too often we find ourselves finally ready to enjoy a much deserved day off, just to get down on ourselves for being too lazy and not working through the million and one things still left on the good-ole to-do list.
But what we need to remember is that it’s healthy to take breaks. They are needed and encouraged. We need to take a step back here and there to remind ourselves that not everything is urgent. The building isn’t fire. And the world won’t fall apart because we chose to rest and enjoy a lazy day.
But if you still want to enjoy a lazy day at home while also checking a few things off your list then keep reading for some tips on how you can do both. Because trust me, you really can have your cake and eat it too.

Create a Plan for the Perfect Lazy Day
When it comes to being productive while also still enjoying a lazy day off, having a plan ahead of time will truly be what sets you up for success.
I know what you’re thinking. I need a plan to enjoy a lazy day at home?!
Well if you still want to enjoy your day off AND be productive, then answer is yes!
But I promise it won’t be too bad.
Identify the Most Important Tasks
You need to start by identifying what the heck you want to get done on your day off in the first place. Go over your list and then begin to narrow down. Only choose a handful of tasks that are 1) The most important and 2) Realistically possible to get done in a day while still enjoying your time off.
The key is prioritizing. What are the things on your list that you need to give some attention to?
Overdoing it will just leave you feeling exhausted and depleted. But the goal here is to feel like you’ve got a ton accomplished while still getting some much needed rest.
So prioritize just a few key tasks that are most important. The rest can wait.
Understand You Might Not Get Everything Done And that’s Ok
Even though you’ve narrowed down your to-do list and picked a few tasks to focus on, it’s important to understand that you might not even get through this shortened list. And that’s ok.
For me, I tend to get a little overly excited when it comes to making lists. Especially my to-do lists. And they aren’t always super realistic. So keep in mind that even though you’ve made a plan, most likely you won’t get to everything today and that’s completely fine.
Your goal is to have a slow, easy day while still feeling like you’ve accomplished SOMETHING not EVERYTHING.
Identify Your Einstein Window
An Einstein Window is a chunk of time where you are most productive in your day. It varies for everyone. For some it’s before the sun comes up, for others it’s after dinner. You can find yours by looking back on the last couple of days and think about when you have the biggest boost in energy. This window is where you’re going to get a huge portion of your tasks done.
Keep in mind this window typically lasts 2-4 hours. However I am not suggesting you spend all of this time completing tasks. Instead take about 60-90 minutes and use this time to get your most strenuous tasks done first. Now is the time where you have the energy for it, so get those done and off your plate so you don’t have to worry about them. Or save them for later if you identify your Einstein Window being later in the day.
Once the 60-90 minutes are up it’s time for a break. Anything after that will deplete too much energy and you’ll begin to feel tired and drained. Which is exactly what we want to avoid.
Fill Your Free Time with Activities that Make You Feel Good
Ever feel like you’ve wasted some seriously precious time on absolutely nothing? Spending hours scrolling through Instagram, or binging a new show all afternoon will do this to us. Afterwards we’re left with that same old empty, lack-luster feeling. Not only were we not productive with our free time, but we don’t even feel rested or reenergized after.
Instead, try filling that time with activities that require the same amount of energy , but wont leave you feeling so sluggish afterwards.
Thing of things like:
- Reading a book
- Abstract painting (I personally love watercolor!)
- Taking a bubble bath
- Being outside (even if just to sit on the porch and enjoy some fresh air)
These types of activities don’t require much from us mentally or physically, but we feel good after doing them. Like we’ve done something good for ourselves. These are great ways to feel more motivated and more rested.
Take Longer Breaks
You might have heard this before: That taking breaks can actually make you more productive!
I’ve been told many times that when it comes to work, it’s good to step away from the computer every hour to take a quick, mini break. This helps us enhance our awareness, memory and concentration.
And those are all really postivie things that I defiitley want to incoproate into my work life, but this post isn’t about worklife.
Once I’ve accomplished something on my lazy day off, I like to reward myself by taking an hour or maybe even a two hour long break. I dedicate this time to something I enjoy or feel like I need in that moment. It could be a bath or a nap or curling up on the sofa with a cup of tea and reading for a bit.
Today isn’t about hustle, today is about taking things slow and easy. This is a day where naps aren’t only allowed, but they’re encouraged. Resting our bodies is just another form of self-care.
Understand that balance is a huge part of living a healthy life. We can’t live in that hustle mentality day in and day out. It’s just not sustainable and it’s not healthy. Realize when you need a break and take it.

10 Minute Tasks
Sometimes just the thought of needing to get things done can actually feel so intimating that I end up not doing anything at all. It all can feel too overwhelming.
This is where 10 Minute Tasks comes in.
This is another great tool I love doing on days when I know I need to get some things done around the house, but I don’t feel like doing too much.
Set the timer on your phone for 10 minutes. And in those 10 minutes run through the house and spruce up. Pick things up off the floor, put dishes and clothes away. Whatever it is, just see how much you can accomplish in 10 minutes. Once the timer goes off you’re done.
You’ll actually be surprised by how much you can clean up in such a short amount of time. It’s a fun way to race against the clock without feeling exhausted afterwards.

Hopefully this gave you some insight on how you can still enjoy a lazy day while also being productive. With a little bit of planning you’ll find you can actually accomplish quite a lot while still enjoying the day and getting the rest you need.
By the end of it I hope you can look back and think “Wow. What a productively lazy day today has been.”
How do you spend a lazy day? Leave a comment below and let me know!

Happy everyday!