Could one hour of holistic wellness each day be the secret to your success? I believe so! It’s completely doable, totally customizable and has the potential to change your whole life.
Today we’re going to dive a little deeper into self-care and start creating daily rituals that last, are more meaningful and help to create more balance between body, mind and soul.
I know that’s asking a lot from a daily wellness routine, but stick with me.
I’m going to walk you through my secrets to setting yourself up for success by devoting one hour a day to holistic wellness. We’re going to cover all of the below in today’s post:
- What is the One Hour Holistic Wellness Routine?
- What are the benefits to the One Hour Holistic Wellness Routine?
- Why just one hour?
- How does it work?
So if you’re ready, let’s dive in!
How to Know it’s Time for a Change?

Many of us have our morning routines. Some of us absolutely love it and wouldn’t change it for the world. Others might need a little routine refresh. If you’re falling into the latter category, then the One Hour Holistic Wellness Routine might just be the fix you’re looking for.
And I know there is a lot of hype around wellness and self care these days. The term is thrown around more than party confetti.
But self care isn’t about trying to fit a million good habits into a single morning to the point of exhaustion just because someone told us it’s good for us.
Selfcare is all about how it makes us feel.
It’s about setting aside time for yourself. Not doing something just because you feel like you have to. But doing something that lifts you up and makes you feel good about yourself.
And if your current morning routine isn’t giving you all the feels then maybe it’s time to re-examine your routine and try something a little different.
That leads me to what this whole post is all about…
What is the One Hour Holistic Wellness Routine?

The One Hour Holistic Wellness Routine is a simple technique to make sure we’re devoting equal attention to the most important parts of ourselves. It’s an intentional approach to our total wellness routine to make sure we are balanced and aligned; mind, body and soul.
The idea of it is super easy. Simply pick activities (see guide below) that help nourish your mind, your body and your soul. Do one activity from each category each day for just 20 minutes! And that’s it!
Here is the list I created to help get you started. And to make things even easier (and more fun!) I’ve also created a free printable you can use to check each one off the list each day. You can grab your free guide here. You’ll find two versions, one that is filled out for you and can be used as a guide and a blank option for you to fill it out yourself if you prefer.
For the Body
- Movement that makes you happy:
- Pilates
- Yoga
- Going for a run
- Cycling
- Dancing
- Skating
- Jump Roping
- Swimming
- Stretching
For the Mind
- Reading
- Puzzles
- Learning a new skill
- Writing
For the Soul
- Mindfulness walks
- Gardening (personally I love caring for my indoor plant collection)
- Meditation
- Daily reflection
- Painting
- Listening to music
- Spending quality time with your pet
- Making time for a hobby you enjoy
Here is an example of what day 1 could look like: Maybe you choose to go running for your body, read a few pages from a book for your mind and meditate for your soul. Each one of these activities is done for 20 minutes. Over the course of an hour you will have done something amazing for each important aspect of your life.
What’s great about this approach to total wellness is you don’t need to stick to the same activities each day. Feel free to switch them up however you want based on how you’re feeling that day.
Maybe on day two you’re a little sore from the run so you might be better served by doing some light yoga for your body. Maybe you aren’t really in the mood to read so instead you choose to do some writing. The possibilities and combinations are endless. It’s truly up to you and what feels right each day.
Again these are just examples to help get you started, but feel free to find activities and exercises that you love and enjoy. You certainly don’t need to stick to just these.
What are the Benefits to the One Hour Holistic Wellness Routine?

Ensures You are Devoting Equal Time to Mind, Body and Soul
I’ve found that if I don’t purposely devote equal time and energy to total holistic wellness then it’s far too easy to forget one in favor of another. The scale quickly tips and I begin to feel unbalanced and completely out of alignment.
Following these guidelines helps me keep my health and wellness top of mind each day. I find myself doing quick check-ins to make sure I’m staying on track and checking the boxes for each category.
Forces You to Examine How You are Spending Your Time
A simple way to make sure we’re giving equal attention to all areas of our holistic selves is to begin taking an intentional approach to our total wellness routine.
This can be accomplished by utilizing the one hour holistic wellness technique. It forces me to be mindful about where I’m spending my time and energy so that I’m giving all areas of my life plenty of focus and love.
You’ll Feel Overall just Better
You’ll start to feel more calm, more at ease and more motivated. Within this one magical hour you’ll nourish your body, mind and soul and begin to create a more balanced lifestyle.
This routine is for your body to feel more awake and active. It’s for your mind to help you find clarity and focus. And it’s for your soul to help you feel genuinely more joyful and uplifted.
In a nutshell this routine is meant to help you feel less stressed, triggered, fatigued and burnt out. Utilizing this method of wellness will help you begin to feel more whole and more grounded over time.
Why One Hour?

It’s the Perfect Amount of Time
It’s a long enough span of time to be impactful, yet short enough to fit into our busy schedules.
I know an hour might seem like a lot. But setting aside specific time to give your body, mind and soul the attention it deserves is vital for your overall health.
You deserve to start putting yourself first. Don’t look at this as a chore, but as something wonderful you are giving to yourself each day. This should be something that gets you excited and makes you want to keep at it.
Pretty soon you’ll begin looking forward to these pockets of time knowing you are doing something incredible for your health and wellbeing.
Gets You Clear on Your Intentions
Before utilizing this method I’d find myself wasting small gaps of free time that pop up throughout the day. Without a goal or clear intention, more often than not I’d waste the time on activities that weren’t really serving my life in any real way. Scrolling through my phone or mindlessly watching tv.
But since beginning the One Hour Holistic Wellness Routine, I now have direction.
Not all healthy activities require you to get up and move around. I can still do deep breathing exercises or repeat positive affirmations in my head all from the comfort of my office.
It helps me stop and think about where I’m focusing my energy and how I can spend my free time a little differently.
It’s Flexible!
On days when I can devote a full, uninterrupted hour to my physical and mental health I feel so lucky. But not all days are created equal and this isn’t always attainable. This method makes it easy to split activities up throughout the day. Maybe 20 minutes in the morning, 20 minutes mid-day and 20 minutes at night.
One hour can be a lot but finding 20 minutes here and there is much easier to come by.
Doesn’t get Stale!
This is probably my favorite part of this routine. It isn’t the same thing day after day after day. You can choose different activities daily. It makes this routine much more fun to actually look forward to.
If I’m not in the mood to read a book that day then maybe I replace this with some writing or watching a video to help me learn a new skill. If I’m not in the mood to hop on the elliptical that day then maybe a slow flowing yoga practice fits better.
It’s more about how I feel in the moment. Basing my actions off of making myself feel good instead of forcing myself to do something. I know journaling is so good for my mental health, but I definitely don’t want to feel like it’s something I need to force myself to do.
And to be honest, some days I just don’t feel like it. And that’s ok!
That’s what I love most about this. It’s easy to switch things up so it becomes a habit you are actually excited to do.
Let’s face it, sometimes we fall off the routine rails because we simply get board. The same thing everyday can get stale quickly. So it’s important to find new ways to shake things up. Doing whatever it takes to help us stick to our healthy habits is the key!
A Few Key Notes
Remember that you don’t need to block off an entire hour each day. It’s wonderful if you can gift yourself a whole hour of uninterrupted selfcare. But it’s not a problem at all if that doesn’t work for your schedule.
This routine can easily be broken into smaller, 20-minute segments scattered throughout the day. I really look forward to these small pockets of time that are just for my self and my health. Even though 20 minutes a day might not seem like much, it’s still 20 minutes of “me” time that I absolutely love.
Lastly, feel free to customize it as you see fit! Make it yours! If you’re a creature of habit maybe choosing similar activities each day feels right for you. If you prefer to keep it fresh then I encourage you to switch it up monthly, weekly or daily! Whatever feels right.
Make this routine work for YOU.
To Wrap Things Up
I firmly believe that we need to take care of our entire selves in order to be our healthiest selves. And that’s why I love this method so much. It really keeps my attention on the body as a whole. Always remembering that each piece plays an equal role and each one directly affects the other.
Comment below if you found this post helpful! And let me know some ways you find balance and alignment for your body, mind and soul.

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