All too often we find ourselves racing through our day. We get so use to running around that we don’t take the time to stop and notice all the beautiful things that surround us each and every day. I use to live my life with blinders on. I’d go to work, come home, eat, veg on the couch, hit the bed and do everything all over again the next day. But I got to a point where I felt like I was missing out on so much around me. I realized there was so much in my daily life to be grateful for, I just needed to open myself up to it all and find happiness in the little things throughout my day.
When was the last time you took the time to pay attention to all the small details that make up your life? When was the last time you literally stopped and smelled the roses!? It is so important for us to stop and focus on what we have right in front of us in order for us to live our best lives. Life will fly by if we let it which is why we need to take the time to slow things down and open our eyes. It’s a beautiful and complicated world out there. You don’t want to miss it.
I hope this list helps you find the joy and happiness in the little things in your own life. Beauty surrounds us each and every day. We just need to open our minds and become more aware of it.

1.Birds Chirping
There have been so many times when I have been going about my day, mindlessly running from one thing to the next and I didn’t even notice that the birds were cheerfully chirping away. Sitting outside in the mornings with a cup of coffee listening to the birds chirp has become one of my favorite morning rituals. It instantly puts a smile on my face.
2. Watching Clouds Roll By
This is another one that I always took for granted. I get so caught up with what’s in front of me and where I’m going that I don’t take a second to really enjoy my surroundings. Sometimes a simple change of perspective is all you need. So feel free to keep your head in the clouds once in a while.
3. Listening To The Rain
4. The Crackling of a Summer Campfire
There are few things better than listening to the crackling of a campfire on a late summer night, surrounded by friends
5. A Cool Breeze on a Warm Day
6. Watching a Bee on a Flower
7. Watching the Snow Fall
8. Cheerful Sound of a Bicycle Bell
9. Mindful Walking
This one is so important for our mental health. These days we are all moving a mile and minute and half the time arriving to our destination wondering how we even got there in the first place. If this sounds like you then carve out some time throughout your week and go for mindful walks outside. Leave your phone at home (or at the very least on silent) and go for a walk taking in EVERYTHING. Notice the breeze in your hair, the way the cars sound as they rumble past you. Feel the coolness as you inhale and the warmth as you exhale. What do you hear, smell, feel? Take in every second of it. You will be surprised by what you find.
10. A Picnic in the Park
11. Coffee in the Morning
12. Flowers Blooming
13. Watching the Sunrise
I use to always be a late riser. Waking up right at the last possible minute to catch as much z’s as I could. But I was missing out on one of my favorite things-the sunrise. So I began adjusting my morning routine and going to bed earlier so I could start my morning watching the day light up.
14. Watching the Sunset
15. Walks Outside Barefoot
16. Truly Appreciating Someone for Giving You a Compliment
Whenever someone takes a minute out of their day to notice something about you and give you a compliment recognize that. Don’t shrug it off. Embrace it.
17. Enjoying Moments By Yourself

18. A Full Hour of Yoga
19. Having a Car to Drive Around In
Last year my little car was in an accident and I was without a car for quite a long period of time. Don’t take for granted the fact that you can easily hop in your car and drive wherever you want to go.
20. A Perfect Salad
There is something to be said about the perfect salad. Not too much dressing, just enough greens, the right amount of chicken (if you eat chicken that is) and the perfect balance of fruit.
21. Freshly Washed Sheets
I can’t get enough of the way freshly washed sheets feel and smell!
22. Perfectly Fitting Jeans
23. A Glass of Red Wine
24. A Great Workout
I love taking the time for myself throughout the day to stretch, and exercise my body and get a little sweaty along the way.
25. A Hot Shower
26. A Cozy Cup of Tea in the Middle of the Afternoon
27. Walking into a Coffee Shop and Breathing in that Incredible Aroma
This has to be one of my all time favorite smells. That fresh coffee scent pouring out of that little café? Yes please!
28. Dirt Under My Nails from Planting
29. People Watching
30. Naps with Zero Interruptions
There are times when our bodies just need a rest. Congratulate yourself for pushing yourself to reach new limits and making it happen every day, but remember when your body tells you it needs a rest always listen.

I hope this list helps inspire you to slow down and take it all in. There is beauty in everything, no matter how small.
Where do you find your happiness in the little things? Please feel free to share in the comments below.
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