Ready to supercharge your energy levels and kickstart your day on a refreshing note? Let’s dive into the incredible advantages of a cold shower and why you should start incorporating them into your daily routine.
There has been a lot of talk lately around cold plunges and the benefits of cold water therapy. I did my research before taking the plunge (see what I did there?) and I decided the pros far outweighed the cons. It was time for me to give it a go.
The Facts
Before we dive into my own personal experience, let’s first go over some of the more scientificy details around the advantages of a cold shower that you might not have known about.
These are really the reasons why I decided to start my journey with cold water therapy in the first place.
So let’s get to it!
Helps Reduce Muscle Soreness
If you’re doing a lot of physical activity; hiking, running, lifting etc then cold showers are a great way to combat muscle soreness. The cold water helps to reduce swelling, allowing your overworked muscles to relax and repair much quicker and a lot easier.
Improves Circulation
When your body is shocked by the cold water it forces your body to go into more of a “survival mode.” The body’s biggest concern at this time is to keep its core a consistent temperature. The ice cold water signals to your body that it needs to increase the blood flow and begins redistributing it throughout your body.
Reduces Inflammation
Cold water causes your blood vessels to constrict. This leads to a reduction in swelling and therefore inflammation.
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The Disclaimer
Although there are a lot of advantages of a cold shower, they are not for everyone. Please talk with your doctor first before making changes to your current routine. Especially if you’ve been diagnosed with any skin irritants or heart issues. Clear it with your doctor first to make sure cold showers are right for you.

Advantages of a Cold Shower that I Experienced
So now that you know what cold showers can do for your body, I’ll go ahead and jump into my own personal experience.
Getting Comfortable with the Discomfort
Right off the bat the first thing I noticed was the pure mental struggle of it all. Each morning was a full-out battle with myself that went a little something like:
“I don’t want to do this. “
“But it’s good for you.”
“It’s so uncomfortable. I don’t want to. “
“It doesn’t last that long. Stop being a baby.”
Some days went better than others, but this is more or less what went through my mind for the first several weeks. But the great thing is that after some time had past I noticed these arguments with myself becoming less and less noticeable. As I began getting used to my new routine I found myself actually looking forward to the freeze at times. It was exciting and exhilarating. Which leads me to my next point:
Instant Wake-Up Call
Cold showers started to become my start-to-the-day reminder. A shock to the system letting myself know, “hey it’s a new day and it’s time to wake up and get going.” I instantly feel refreshed, awake and ready for what’s next on my list.
Although the experience itself is unpleasant, It always leaves me feeling rejuvenated afterwards. And as soon as I turn off that water I’m always left with a big smile on my face. Proud of myself for sticking through it.
And there is actually some science behind this too. Cold showers help your body release endorphins. Endorphins are the feel good hormone that help boost your mood. So cold showers actually do have a direct impact on helping you feel happier and have more energy. Cool!
More Acclimated to Cold Weather
It has been quite the chilly winter here in Ohio to say the least. And I am usually the first (and loudest) to complain about the frigid and unbearable weather. But this year has turned out a little differently. I’ve noticed since doing the cold showers I’m much less affected by the cold.
Where before my fiancé and I would debate about who’s going to be the unlucky winner to take the pup out for her nightly walk. But now, I found myself welcoming the task. Often times actually enjoying that last outing of the evening to get some fresh air and a bit of light exercise before bed.

Mental Benefits
Throughout adding cold showers at the end of my regular shower, I’ve noticed where there are days where I’m actually a little excited for the freeze and then there are still other days where I am not looking forward to the temperature drop AT ALL! I’ve been doing this for over a month and the mental struggle is still real. Although better, it’s still there.
Let’s be honest, the experience itself is uncomfortable. EXREMELY uncomfortable. And most days I psych myself out and tell myself right before that I don’t want to do this. Even when I’m actually excited about it, I’m still secretly dreading it.
But there’s something pretty amazing about doing something good and beneficial for yourself even if you really don’t like the act itself. The reward is greater than the discomfort. And even though I sometimes hate it and it is widely uncomfortable, I’m in control. I’m saying yeah this isn’t going to be easy or pleasant but I’m doing this for ME.
Life is always going to come with its challenges. And in weird way I feel like diving into cold showers helps me take on these challenges a little easier. It helps me get comfortable with the uncomfortable and I’m ok with that.
Challenges are apart of everyday life. They are opportunities in the making, if we choose to look at them this way. Use cold showers as a way to help prepare yourself for that next thing life brings your way.

How to Get Started with Cold Showers
Don’t go full blown freeze-mode right off the bat. You absolutely can if you want, but it can be easier to work your way up to chilly temperatures by starting slow.
After a few times at a warm, but cool temp, maybe next time you begin to drop the temperature a little more. And then a little more after that. Then a little more, until you find yourself standing under ice cold water.
Focus on Your Breathing
I find this to be a great way to help me stop dwelling so much on the task itself. Instead of only paying attention to the cold, I’m forced to focus on my breath.
This also helps me keep track of how long I’ve been underneath the water so I can improve next time.
At first I could last for about half a breath, then I worked up to 3 full breaths. It’s helpful to get yourself to stay in the cold longer by counting your breaths.
You’ll start telling yourself you can do just one more deep breath, maybe just one more, just one more?!
Ice therapy.
If you aren’t ready to fully commit to surrounding your body in freezing water (can’t blame you!) then maybe try ice therapy instead.
Take a few ice cubes and place them between the palms of your hands. Sit comfortably and hold the ice there in prayer position. Deeply breathe in and out. Taking long slow breaths and exhaling fully. Continue doing this until the water has melted.
Although the benefits aren’t quite the same as doing a total cold plunge or cold shower, you still get the same idea and it’s a great way to begin to feel a little more comfortable with the cold.
Closing Words
The advantages of a cold shower greatly outweigh the negatives. From boosting your immunity to improving your circulation, and all the amazing mental benefits that come along with it!
It’s clear that cooling down helps perk you up!
It’s about doing something that you don’t necessarily want to do, but you know is good for you so you do it anyways.
This mentality stays with me throughout the day. If I can withstand freezing temps to do something good for my body and my mind, what else can I do? How do I keep this good feeling going?
I hope this article helps give you a little more insight into the amazing benefits of cold water therapy. What do you think? Have you tried cold plunges or cold showers yet? If so I’d love to hear about your experience! Leave a comment below! Let’s chat.
Wanna make cold showers apart of your daily habit routine? Snag this free Progress Planner Printable to help make this habit and any other healthy habit stick like glue!
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