We all have our bad habits that we need to work on. But some are easier than others to give up. Some of these toxic habits that have ended up on this list may not seem like a big deal at first, but overtime can cause some pretty major impacts on our lives. By becoming more aware of these toxic habits you can focus on making healthy, impactful changes that will leave you feeling all around better-mentally and physically.
Toxic Habit #1 Not Drinking Water Before Coffee
We get pretty dehydrated while we’re sleeping. If the first thing you put in your body after waking up is coffee then you are only adding to the problem. This just makes it that much harder for you to fully hydrate yourself during the day. Start each morning off with a big glass of water. Drinking water first thing will help hydrate your body and help wake you so much quicker. Then go ahead and enjoy that cup of morning java.
#2 Drinking too much Caffeine Throughout the Day
Most of us already struggle to drink the recommended daily amount of water each day. But drinking too much caffeine is only adding fuel to the fire. Try to limit yourself to 1-2 cups of caffeine each day. Any more than that and it’s going to be very hard for you to drink enough water to stay fully hydrated throughout your day. Limiting your caffeine will also help prevent crashing from it later.
#3 Not Having a Morning Routine
A hurried and stressed morning will only lead to a stressful day. Start your morning out right by getting up early so you don’t feel the need to rush. Have enough time so you can enjoy breakfast, get a quick workout in and do some journaling. Starting out in the most calm, stress-free way possible is the best way to set yourself up for success.
#4 Going to Bed too Late
Not getting enough sleep creates so many challenges down the road. You’ll start to experience less energy and feel more irritable throughout the day. Lack of sleep can also lead to memory loss, high blood pressure, a weaker immune system and diabetes, just to name a few. I highly recommend getting on a schedule and sticking to it. Going to bed at the same time every night and waking up at the same time every morning will help get you on a consistent sleep schedule. You’ll get plenty of sleep, wake up feeling rested and have energy to burn all day long.
#5 Too Much Alcohol
The next toxic habit on the list is drinking too much alcohol. Did you know that a moderate alcohol user is one drink a day for women and up to 2 drinks a day for men? When you start lowering the amount of alcohol you drink you will sleep better, have brighter skin and lower your risk of high blood pressure. Not to mention reduce far more serious illnesses such as liver and heart disease and even certain kinds of cancer!
#6 Sleeping In
I mentioned earlier how not getting enough sleep can affect us in some pretty negative ways. But sleeping in isn’t doing us any favors either. I have found on days when I sleep in that I am far less productive and way more sluggish. Waking up early to get a jump start on the day helps me start out with a positive attitude and leaves me feeling more motivated and ready for the day.
#7 Not Having Hobbies
Hobbies allow us to fill our free time with enjoyable activities instead of aimlessly scrolling through our phones or watching the latest show on Netflix. It’s perfectly fine to enjoy these activities from time to time, just don’t make them a daily habit. Instead find other ways to fill your free time. Maybe it’s writing, coloring in a coloring book, painting, hiking or photography. It’s an opportunity to find something new you enjoy doing and setting aside time to actually do it.
Not only do hobbies help us fill our free time with more creative, productive activities, but they also play a key role in our mental health too. They teach us patience and dedication while we learn how to do the new task. On top of that they are also a great way to learn something new about who we are and what we like. Take some time to find a few things you think you might enjoy and give them a try. You might find your new favorite hobby is something you would have never tried otherwise. If you need some help or want to learn more check out this post here.

#8 Not Setting Goals
The next toxic habit on the list? Not setting goals! I recently heard that over 40% of Americans do not set goals! I never knew how powerful goal setting was until I started doing it for myself several years ago. They provide us the direction we need to move us forward. When we set goals we put a plan in motion. They are the steps needed to propel us from where we are now to where we want to be. Without them we’re completely lost. That’s why I highly encourage you to take a little bit of time and begin thinking about what it is you want to accomplish. Start by asking where you see yourself in 1 year, 5 years, 10 years? What is it you want most and what are the steps needed to get there?
#9 Not Moisturizing After a Shower
You may not have expected this one to show up on this toxic habits list, but I felt it was important to incorporate. As we get older our skin naturally becomes more dry and more vulnerable. Moisturizing daily will help prevent wrinkles, maintain elasticity and protect your skin so it stays healthy and hydrated.
#10 Not Finding Healthy Ways to Handle Stress
Stress can build up in the body and overtime can manifest itself in many different ways. Whether that be through our emotions where we feel more angry or irritable or within our physical bodies leaving us tense and stiff. If not dealt with in a healthy way, stress can cause decreased immunity, anxiety and heart issues. That’s why it’s so important to find healthy ways to relax and unwind after a stressful day. Everyone needs to find what works best for them, but some ideas are meditation, going for a long walk, yoga or coloring.
#11 Sitting for Long Periods of Time
I recently heard someone say that sitting is the new smoking. After doing a bit of research I’ve learned the two are actually more connected than I ever would have thought. Prolonged sitting can cause weakened muscles, poor heart health and weight gain. Sadly, this is just the beginning, the list of side effects goes on. We all know the answer to the problem, but it’s easier said than done. Especially since many of us have desk jobs and are confined to our chairs for a majority of the day. I’ve found the best way to help combat this is to set reminders on my phone so I receive a notification that it’s time to get up to move and stretch. Standing desks are another great solution, but if this isn’t an option for you the reminders just might help do the trick.
#12 Not Drinking Enough Water
Most people are not drinking enough water throughout the day. And I personally understand how hard it is to remember to get the recommended daily amount of ounces. Luckily there are a few amazing tools out there that can help. Try putting an app on your phone that will remind you it’s time for a glass of water. I personally have really been enjoying an app called floret. You can use it to send quick, helpful reminders for all sorts of healthy habits, but I especially love it for reminders throughout the day that it’s time for water. This motivational water bottle is another great way to help you keep track of your water intake from morning to night. If water is starting to get a little boring, jazz it up with some flavor.
#13 Slouching While You Work
Next up on the list of toxic habits is slouching. Poor posture has many negative effects on our bodies. For starters it causes back and neck pain, poor digestion, spinal curvature and poor sleep. Stretching can help combat the negative effects that come with slouching. Exercising can also help strengthen the upper and lower back making it easier to maintain better posture.
#14 Not getting Enough Physical Activity
This one goes hand in hand with #12. Although getting up off the couch is a great place to start you still need to be doing more physical activity. Get the heart rate up and break a sweat. Try incorporating a daily workout into your morning routine to help you stay consistent, feel more energized, less stressed and just plain healthier overall.
#15 Using Your Phone Before Bed
I’m sure you’ve heard it a million times that we’re spending way too much time on our phones which is a toxic habit in general, but being on your phone right before bed causes another problem. The blue light from our screens tells our brains it isn’t time to go to bed yet and works to keep us up longer. To help you fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer, try reducing the amount of time you use your phone before bed. Ideally we really shouldn’t be using them 1 hour before bed. Instead grab a book or do some light stretching during this last hour before bedtime to help you relax and unwind so you can drift away into a peaceful and deep sleep.
Most of these toxic habits may not seem like much now, but with time can have some pretty mega side effects on our overall health. Keep these in mind as you go about your day and work to correct them or completely avoid them altogether. Notice when you begin engaging in these toxic habits and course correct. Work to change them into healthy habits that will help you live a healthier life longer.

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